How to Determine and Capitalize On Your Strengths

It's so easy for us to tell others where their strengths reside, but it is sometimes difficult to identify and capitalize on our own strengths. And while we often attempt to solicit feedback on where our weaknesses are, we may not ask for that same feedback about our strengths. In business and in life, this is a missed opportunity. When we don't have a deep understanding of our strengths and perseverate on our weaknesses, it halts our talent development and stunts our growth.

So how do you identify your strengths? 

  • Identify Your Passions

First, think about activities that energize and fulfill you. We often possess innate talents that, when expressed, give us an energy boost because when applying our strengths, we feel confident and successful. You are likely passionate about these activities, and when you identify them as your strengths and apply them, you will find you also feel passionate about your work.  

  • Ask People Closest To You For Feedback

You can also consult with friends, family, and colleagues directly. Ask them what they admire about you or what they feel you are good at. The strengths they see in you may differ from those you see in yourself or may take for granted. So often, others are able to give us a glimpse into our own lives that we cannot see on our own. Having regular, candid conversations that result in this type of feedback will propel you forward in action planning for your goals.

  • Log Your Accomplishments

You can also log your accomplishments and look for patterns that will highlight your strengths. Take a deeper look at where you have found success in the past and capitalize on the skills you applied to gain those successes going forward. 

  • Take a Strengths-Based Assessment

Utilizing objective assessment data on emotional intelligence and strengths and motivators, like those we use at High Impact Coaching and Consulting, can offer a new level of clarity. These tests will give you a deeper look into your personality and subjectively identify your level of emotional intelligence in order to grow it! At High Impact Coaching and Consulting, we take a strengths-based approach in everything we do. As part of building our clients' portfolios of resources, we use emotional intelligence and strength-based assessments to inform goals and action planning. These assessments deliver complex data about your strengths as the first step. Your utilization of this data is where the real impact happens. 

Once you know your strengths, you can utilize them to your advantage. 

  • Fill Gaps In Your Organization With Your Strengths

You will be able to use your newfound knowledge to expose gaps in your organization that you could fill. This will allow you to have a more significant impact on your organization and increase your confidence. When you are confident in your work, you will find yourself thriving more than ever before. 

  • Seek New Opportunities

You might also want to be proactive in seeking out opportunities that better align with your strengths. When working on projects or tasks you are skilled at, you will find your work to be more enjoyable while also showcasing your talents and demonstrating a willingness to surmount new challenges. It may also be beneficial to seek opportunities that showcase your strengths while also exposing you to new facets of your career. Take caution not to overextend yourself and take on too much, as spreading yourself too thin can cause mistakes and bring unnecessary stress. 

  • Continue To Develop Your Strengths

Finally, understanding your strengths allows you to build upon them. You can seek out opportunities for professional development to expand your knowledge and propel yourself upward professionally. There is always room for improvement, and being a lifelong learner will set you apart from so many others in your field. 

At High Impact Coaching and Consulting, we want to help you identify your strengths and create an action plan for you to use them. If you are ready to know and use your strengths, contact us today!


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