Moving Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Aside to Climb High

I believe most people want to be their best and most whole selves. Yet, many times, it's our self-limiting beliefs that hold us back and we don’t even realize it! I've seen this play out many times in my years as an executive coach.

There is a wide variety of books on this subject. Yet, one of the best came to me as a recommendation from Tal Ben-Shahar - A Harvard professor, researcher, author, and teacher of my certificate in positive psychology. After a year-long program, he said, "If there is only one book you get from taking this course, make it "You Are Not Your Brain," as by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. & Rebecca Gladding, M.D.

This book has a simple and actionable approach to moving past your deceptive brain messages (DBM's) which program us to have unhelpful thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” and instead rewire our thinking with more empowered ways to achieve goals.

Here's how it works:

  1. Re-Label

    Identify your deceptive brain message and the uncomfortable sensations (i.e., the unhelpful thoughts, urges, desires and impulses); call them what they really are.

  2. Re-Frame

    Change your perception of the importance of the deceptive brain messages – why do these thoughts keep bothering you?

  3. Re-Focus

    Direct your attention off the DBM through a healthy activity that doesn't allow your DBM to run rampant.

  4. Re-Value

    Clearly see your DBM's for what they are: sensations caused by deceptive brain messages that are not true and that have little to no value. They no longer have the same control or power over you.

I highly recommend this process because it works!

One of my favorite examples is how my client, a successful sales professional, changed his thought process. He had a habit of self-deprecation that he carried from a young age. He thought this was a way of building a connection. Everyone loved him because he was charming and funny. Yet, it was always at his own expense. One day, I pointed it out. He was completely unaware of this habit. I challenged him to change the pattern. After a few months of recognizing and changing that habit, this is what he gained:

"Paula doubled my income with one observation and a small adjustment to my attitude. My customers now see a top salesperson they want to do business with. The best part is, I'm in year three, and sales continue to increase. Now, a seven-figure club is within reach."

It's time to kick your DBM's to the curb and set yourself free! High Impact is here to help!


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