High Impact
Embracing Diversity: The Key to Inclusive Leadership
As we navigate through the evolving landscape of leadership, it's crucial to highlight the significance of diversity. Let's explore how embracing diversity isn't just a corporate checkbox but a fundamental aspect of effective and inclusive leadership.
Unlocking Team Potential: Fostering a Growth Mindset through Coaching
As we enter the promising horizon of a new year, there's no better time to commit to cultivating a growth mindset within our teams. In leadership, a growth mindset isn't just a buzzword; it's the linchpin for sustained success and achievement of goals. In this blog, we'll unravel the profound concept of a growth mindset and explore how coaching becomes the catalyst for continuous learning and development within teams.
Navigating the AI Frontier: Impact on Leadership Development
In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives, its influence now extends to leadership development as well. AI's role in leadership development is a topic of considerable debate, with both benefits and drawbacks to consider. Let’s delve into the impact of AI on leadership development and explore the future of leadership in an AI-dominated world.
Top Requirements for Team Effectiveness: The Missing Links
In the fast-paced world of business, teams are the engines that drive success. They are the gears that turn the cogs of innovation, productivity, and achievement. Yet, as any business coach will tell you, effective teamwork isn't always a given. It's something that needs to be carefully nurtured and cultivated. A recent Forbes article highlighted several key elements that must be in place in order for a team to seek coaching. However, I would argue that these are often the very aspects that lead teams to seek out team development in the first place. Lets break them down.
Are You Ready to Be Coached?
When are you ready to be coached? Sometimes, the timing isn't right, or you aren't in the right frame of mind to put yourself first—which is what being coached requires. That's part of what makes it uncomfortable for people.
How to Determine and Capitalize On Your Strengths
It's so easy for us to tell others where their strengths reside, but it is sometimes difficult to identify and capitalize on our own strengths. And while we often attempt to solicit feedback on where our weaknesses are, we may not ask for that same feedback about our strengths.
Feedback Is Critical in Improving Performance - Here’s Why, and How, to Do Feedback Right
While we know that soliciting feedback in the workplace is paramount to our success, it isn't a skill set that everyone has. Often, we need to learn how to ask for candid feedback, and alternatively, we may not be great at giving it to others.
Building Your Own "Personal Board Of Directors"
When building a successful career, it is vital to surround yourself with people who will join you on an upward trajectory toward success. When looking at your team, or what we call "your personal board of directors," is it full of people who can vouch for your character and objectively assess your strengths?
Evaluating Efficiency - Finding Your Own System and Some Tips to Help!
As discussed in my monthly newsletter, finding your unique system to achieve your goals is critical to your success. Your systems may consist of processes, tools, and strategies that allow you to work effectively to achieve your goals. Strong systems are the best way to work smarter, not harder, and gain free time outside of work.
The Importance of Continuous Learning and Offering Your Staff Resources - And How to Start
When we get to the top of our field, sometimes we are so busy that we forget to prioritize our professional development, further our learning, and offer development opportunities for our staff. Professional development seeks to teach new skills that can be applied directly within your workday.
Strategies to Improve Workplace Adaptability and Flexibility
Being adaptable in times of change is of the utmost importance as a leader in business. There will always be times of uncertainty, as we cannot control everything happening within our environment. We can only change how we respond when pivoting becomes necessary - here are a few tips that can help.
How to Establish and Maintain a Solid Executive Presence
With much of the workforce now being home-based, maintaining a solid Executive Presence is more important than ever. The presence of an executive, especially in the virtual world, can be solidified in several ways, and you should focus on refining how you are showing up as a leader on a day-to-day basis.
Creating a Positive Culture in Your Workplace
How do you foster a positive work environment and build a strong team culture? It is a question that every business owner asks themselves, particularly as they expand and grow larger and more successful. We have a few tips you can use to create a great workplace culture as you work through this year.
Top Tools to Foster Team Innovation
It can be hard to inspire creativity and innovation within your team, especially if you need an arsenal of tools. To lead your team to be more creative, you will want to familiarize yourself with some tools that foster the most innovation when used correctly.
Creating and Executing Your Vision In The New Year
This time of year is often synonymous with reflection and planning. So it's the ideal moment to outline your vision for your organization in the upcoming year. But to know what you are working toward and get excited about executing your vision, you must first clarify precisely what you're aiming to achieve.
Four Ways To Stop Letting Assumptions Drive Your Decision Making
Have you ever stared at an email that ended in an ellipsis and wondered if the person who sent it was mad at you? Or felt anger toward the person who is perpetually late to meetings because it’s become clear to you that they are irresponsible? We all spend needless amounts of time making assumptions that inform our beliefs and actions.
5 Factors That Can Make or Break Team Cohesion
Developing a dynamic team is something that weighs heavily on the mind of business leaders, and there is certainly more than one way to build the best team for your organization. Simply search “team development” on Google and you’ll receive billions (literally!) of methods and opinions on the best way to go about the task.
But achieving team cohesion does not need to be complicated. And when you do it right, it produces high-yielding personal and organizational results. It is every organization’s competitive advantage. So how exactly do you create a cohesive team? It starts with identifying and establishing these factors…
The Qualities Leaders Need to Successfully Navigate Transition
The ability to withstand the winds of change is not innate, it can be learned, practiced, and perfected. Just as things around you are always changing, so too can you. As a leader, it is imperative to your company’s and employees’ success that you are able to face the inevitable changes that come your way. So what, exactly, are the characteristics that successful leaders embody during times of transition?
Why Leaders Must Learn to Manage Their Energy Successfully
Sure, I could share a few tricks I've learned throughout the years to manage your time better, allowing you to squeeze more into your working hours. But how sustainable is that? Do you really want to spend Monday through Friday cramming in as much as possible, never pausing to take a breath?
There is a better way. Rather than learning how to manage time, leaders must discover how to manage their energy. Here's why…
Want to Create a Better Work Environment? Start by Listening to Your Employees.
Larry King once said, “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.”
Many people in leadership positions spend too much time talking and not enough time listening to their employees. And yet listening is such a simple (not easy) practice that echoes countless positive effects throughout an organization.